05 July 2024
Atwood Year 6 Shine on stage
This week, Year 6 put on two stunning performances of their end of year production ‘The Jungle Book’.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
This week, Year 6 put on two stunning performances of their end of year production ‘The Jungle Book’.
It has been a very hectic week as we try to squeeze in everything before the end of the term.
We are rapidly running out of weeks in the school year but the children are still working hard and learning lots of interesting things.
We have had a bumper sporting week this week culminating on Thursday’s sports day.
Unsurprisingly, the action-packed activities and previous night’s excitement led to an early night’s sleep for all!
What an absolutely action-packed day at Cuffley! For some, the day before had ended a little too late due to the excitement of camping out in the woodland.
Year 6 arrived in high spirits after a quick journey into Hertfordshire.
The inaugural Pegasus Trust Games has taken place with Ecclesbourne crowned champions.
We had an incredible Science Week filled with exciting investigations across all year groups.
With the SATs approaching soon (13th – 17th May) it is more important than ever to ensure our children are as calm and relaxed as possible.
Monday 22nd April was Earth Day and the Eco -Squad had a very important message to share!
Our Pegasus camping trip is fast approaching and the children are really excited for the adventure ahead!
This week we have been thinking about distilling – sifting through information and taking the most useful, ‘golden nuggets’ from information we are given.
It is hard to believe that we have reached the end of another term.
As the term draws to a close, I would like to wish you all a restful break.