21 March 2025
Whitehorse Has Got Talent!
Whitehorse Manor Junior School celebrated Comic Relief in style today with our annual talent show, Whitehorse Has Got Talent!
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Whitehorse Manor Junior School celebrated Comic Relief in style today with our annual talent show, Whitehorse Has Got Talent!
At Pegasus we believe that all children can achieve in maths.
It’s been a positive week for our sporting teams at WHJUN this week.
Thornton Heath Community Action Team has arranged a meeting for residents of our three wards (Bensham Manor, Thornton Heath and West Thornton) specifically to meet and hear from local councillors about : – Their roles.
To celebrate World Book Day, we hosted an exciting week of events and activities to encourage a love of reading.
Dear Pegasus Families, It has been a very exciting Book Week across all of the Pegasus schools.
The Year 6 children will be undertaking their Key Stage Two SATs in just a few months, and we are all excited (on some level!)
We are thrilled to introduce our English Champions, a dedicated group of students from Year 3 to Year 6 who have taken on special responsibilities to inspire and support reading and writing across the school.
Today, Year 6 celebrated their incredible journey through Ancient Egypt! Since the start of the year, they have explored what life was like for the ancient Egyptians, designed intricate death masks, mummified tomatoes, created desert mirages, written persuasive letters to the British Museum and even engineered model shadufs.
Our annual ‘Museum Day’ remains a highlight of the school calendar.
We have all really enjoyed our class assemblies this half term and it’s so nice for the children to have the opportunity to share their work with parents and other children.
Last Friday, Year 6 had an exciting day at the British Museum, where they had the opportunity to explore a range of fascinating exhibits.
One of our core values at Pegasus is that we ‘strive to be independent learners’.
It has been a wonderful week of festive fun at Whitehorse Manor Junior school.
It was a rare pleasure for me to accompany the WHJUN choir on their annual carol singing visit to Tesco in Thornton Heath this Monday.