22 March 2024
CYP UPPER: Beech Class Spring Chickens!
In Beech Class we have been embracing the Pegasus Value of We Care.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
In Beech Class we have been embracing the Pegasus Value of We Care.
EPS girls enjoyed a fun packed coaching session, showing off all of their skills.
School Council at Whitehorse Junior School are at it again! In three days they organised a fantastic Talent Show which they presented on Red Nose Day to the whole school to show-case some hidden talent as well as raise money for Comic Relief.
All the children from Reception Class to Year 6 enjoyed dressing up in their red outfits.
This week, year 3 had a very special visit from the highly acclaimed poet Joshua Seigal!
Our year 3 children started the week off with a fantastic workshop with RedSTART.
Award winning poet, Joshua Seigal, has got World Book Week underway with an inspirational assembly.
This week Year 3 had the opportunity to visit Sanderstead Library, where they met the Librarian who shared with them various types of texts about the Stone Age (our new theme).
It has been a fun-packed day at Cypress Upper! It was so lovely to see so many parents at school today for our annual Cypress Upper Museum Day!
The snow is melting, flowers are blooming, and the days are getting warmer.
Welcome back to the start of a new term at Cypress.
To promote reading for pleasure, Whitehorse infant and junior schools have teamed up and created a ‘reading buddy’ session once a week.
It has been a busy four days in the run up to the Christmas after what has been a very long term.
It has been a very busy week at Cypress with lots of Christmas performances and plenty of hard work taking place!
We are feeling festive at Cypress! The Christmas trees are up and the decorative Christmas hoops are on display in the hall.