27 March 2025
WHINF – Adventures with The Iron Man
Over the last few weeks, Year 2 have been immersed in the book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Over the last few weeks, Year 2 have been immersed in the book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes.
Following our recent ‘How to Help Your Child with Reading at Home’ workshop, please find below a recording of the session for those who could not make it in person.
At Pegasus we believe that all children can achieve in maths.
This week saw a continuation of book week activities! At the beginning of the week we had our Scholastic Book Fair and Mrs Roberts and Mrs Latter sold an amazing £1000 worth of books!
Thornton Heath Community Action Team has arranged a meeting for residents of our three wards (Bensham Manor, Thornton Heath and West Thornton) specifically to meet and hear from local councillors about : – Their roles.
In Reception this week we were visited by a Fireman who taught us how to stay safe.
What a busy start to the term! There has been lots going on in nursery over the last couple of weeks.
Dear Pegasus Families, It has been a very exciting Book Week across all of the Pegasus schools.
Year 1 have had a great week, starting with our annual world book day dress up!
Year 2 have been having an absolute blast this book week.
WHINF kicked off book week in inspirational style this week with a visit from a young author.
Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed working with RedSTART and their team of volunteers this week to learn about money.
This half term Year 2 have been learning about materials in Science.
This term, Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed their art learning. We revisited colour mixing using watercolours and thought about what colours would be used to create a fiery picture.
This morning, the school was full to the brim with parents excited to see their children’s thematic work!