26 January 2024
5P Jutland Class Rainforest Assembly
It was a pleasure watching 5P Jutland Class share their learning in an assembly about The Rainforest today.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
It was a pleasure watching 5P Jutland Class share their learning in an assembly about The Rainforest today.
It was so lovely for pupils in 5T Percheron Class to get started on ‘Roots of Empathy’ this week.
Last week, Year 6 travelled to Croydon Fire Station to take part in a range of activities promoting safety and awareness as well as supporting their transition into secondary school.
To promote reading for pleasure, Whitehorse infant and junior schools have teamed up and created a ‘reading buddy’ session once a week.
Two years ago junior children from Whitehorse Manor-Brigstock site and Eccelsbourne took part in the Green Project at Bensham allotments.
A big thank you to the Choir and Mrs Ehiemua for leading us in carols after school this Friday afternoon.
Earlier on this term, one of our Eco Friends – Shay in Indigo Class, wrote a persuasive letter to Ms Hall asking for a battery recycling bin to be installed in school.
The Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs) at Whitehorse Juniors were at it again!
It has been a Christmas bonanza at Whitehorse Manor Junior School this week.
Our choir had the opportunity to sing at TESCO supermarket in Thornton Heath this morning to raise money for the charity WaterAid.
Year 6 recently visited the Natural History Museum to develop their knowledge of their science topic ‘Evolution and Inheritance.’
The Whitehorse Year 5 and 6 Indoor Athletics Team competed against other schools in Croydon at a qualifying event today.
This week, the year 3 children from Brigstock, Whitehorse Manor Junior and Ecclesbourne schools went on a trip to the Crystal Palace park.
Last week, as part of our RE learning about Hinduism, Year 4 visited the Sakthy Ghanapathy Temple in Thornton Heath.
Year 3 have been really enjoying learning about dinosaurs in reading, literacy and thematic.