15 December 2023
WHINF-ECO Schools Battery Recycling Project
Earlier on this term, one of our Eco Friends – Shay in Indigo Class, wrote a persuasive letter to Ms Hall asking for a battery recycling bin to be installed in school.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Earlier on this term, one of our Eco Friends – Shay in Indigo Class, wrote a persuasive letter to Ms Hall asking for a battery recycling bin to be installed in school.
There was great excitement throughout the school today as Santa visited the children in their classes.
This week reception have been getting ready for Christmas in a number of ways.
Today in Year 2 we celebrated the end of our Thematic Topic, ‘The Terrible Tudors’.
Over the last few weeks in nursery we have been exploring rainbows, colours and colour mixing to go with our books ‘What Makes a Rainbow’ and ‘Mouse Paint.’
Today, staff and children enjoyed a wonderful Christmas lunch. The food was delicious!
The Infant Hall has been filled with the sound of singing this week as Reception, Years 1 and 2 took the spotlight in each of their Christmas concerts.
A huge well done to all of the reception classes as they did a fantastic job performing for their grown-ups and loved ones at their Christmas concert.
Thank you to all the parents and carers who joined us this afternoon for a hugely successful reading session.
Our Trust Staff Meeting at Cypress on Handwriting in the Early Years, for our Early Years and Year 1 practitioners, was a fantastic opportunity for the adults to have some fun, as well as learning some important pedagogy and practical ideas to teach this crucial life skill.
Whitehorse Infants welcomed a visitor from Beddington ERF on Thursday to deliver an assembly all about waste and recycling.
This week at WHINF we have been celebrating friendship week. We began by wearing odd socks to celebrate our uniqueness.
This week reception have been learning about Remembrance Day. We had a class discussion about why we celebrate Remembrance day and what it means.
We have had an lovely first two weeks back at nursery, the children have settled back in well after their first half term break.
The infant children remembered those who fought and gave their lives in battle, so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.