01 July 2022
Celebrating EPS Scientists
All of last week, EPS pupils carried out lots of amazing scientific experiments.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
All of last week, EPS pupils carried out lots of amazing scientific experiments.
In Asteroids class, the children have been looking at the diet of people in the Bronze Age.
This week has been very exciting for reception as we released the butterflies we have been taking care of.
Well done to Red class who led a fantastic assembly this morning, sharing their learning about minibeasts.
Excitement was in the air on Monday, as a sea of red, blue, green and yellow took to the school field.
I will be honest and say that the building of the Anglo Saxon houses in 4P was not popular with our cleaning staff (lots of mud and straw) but the learning when Mrs Pinkney set up a ‘river’ in one of the flower beds and asked pupils to set up their homestead was next level stuff.
On Monday 20th June, courtesy of Ms Madukah, we were lucky enough to have Arthur Torrington CBE leading our assembly commemorating Windrush Day – 22nd June.
Last week we were treated to a concert showcasing the budding musicians we have at Cypress.
During our science week, the children have had a fantastic time working as scientists, developing their scientific vocabulary and carrying out exciting experiments.
Gold class really enjoyed science week! We carried out a number of experiments linked to our under the sea topic.
Year 2 had a great time visiting Morden Hall Park last week.
This term Reception have been participating in weekly yoga lessons with our lovely yoga instructor Rachel.
This week, Year 3 have been taking part in Science week!
It has been Science Week and Refugee Week at Cypress. We have been considering the amazing contributions of people who have come to the UK fleeing war, natural disasters or persecution and used our empathy skills to imagine what it would be like to leave your home country, at short notice, with few or none of your personal belongings.
In Little Cypress this week we have been enjoying Science Week and learning all about the lifecycle of the butterfly.