10 June 2022
WHINF: Marvelous Minibeasts!
This week in Reception we were fortunate enough to have a very exciting visit from ‘Zoo Lab’!
Please click here for more details.
This week in Reception we were fortunate enough to have a very exciting visit from ‘Zoo Lab’!
We were very excited to have one of our parents come into school to read a familiar story to our children in her home language.
Year 3 have been busy soap knapping to make their very own Stone Age tools.
The Djembe Kings were at it again, this time, at Croydon’s Performing Arts Festival in Fairfield Halls.
The Djembe Flames ended their half term with their first ever djembe concert at Fairfield halls.
Walk to School Week was a great success at Beulah! The School Council carried out a survey before the week and 69% of our children walked, scooted or rode their bikes into school.
Our Year 1 classes had a great day today at the Horniman museum.
Today we have been celebrating children who have demonstrated outstanding skills in teamwork.
Our friends at Thornton Heath Nursery School (THNS) are starting a new ‘Stay and Play’ after the half term holiday.
Well done to our Gold Award recipients this half term! We have celebrated two children from each class who have demonstrated that they are a team player, discussing what this means in assembly.
The rain held off for our grand opening of Woodland Library at Cypress Upper on Wednesday.
This half term, Year 3 has had the opportunity to visit the Buddhapadipa temple in Wimbledon as part of our RE topic of Buddhism.
This week in Little Cypress we have been thinking about growing.
What an exciting experience reception have had today! We were visited by our local firefighters and were able to see a fire truck up close.