17 January 2023
CYP Lower-Travelling back in time…
Yesterday our YR1 children were very excited to find out more about old toys.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Yesterday our YR1 children were very excited to find out more about old toys.
This term in Year 1 we have been covering the thematic topic ‘Toys’.
We arrived at Nursery on Monday morning last week to find that someone had left some floury footprints on the carpet!
This week in Nursery we read about The Gingerbread Man and wanted to make one of our own.
Mr Veale’s welcome My goodness, time is flying once again. Who would have thought that this weekend marks the halfway stage of January?
We started the week in KS1 learning more about Building Learning Powers, exploring how we can be resourceful learners.
Another week has whizzed by in Little Cypress! We have particularly enjoyed learning the story of Little Red Riding Hood and re-telling it, as well as acting it out with masks and puppets.
This week we have been thinking about thinking critically. We know that critical thinking requires you to use your ability to reason (one of our learning powers!).
What a fun filled day Reception had on Monday! We were fortunate enough to have a special visit from Professor Bubble Works who helped us make slime!
Since their return to school after the break, Year 2 have immersed themselves in a Design Technology project based around biscuits.
This week in reception, we had our own very special visitor called Professor Bubbleworks.
This term we will be learning all about toys. We were very lucky and had a special visitor in school today showing us lots of old and new toys.
Congratulations to all the children who completed their reading challenge over the Christmas holidays!
A while back we posted the news story below about reading and our favourite places to read.
It has been lovely having all the children back in nursery, refreshed and ready t o learn after the Christmas break!