13 December 2022
EPS Fun in the snow
The cold snap brought the opportunity for the children at Ecclesbourne to get outside and play in the snow.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
The cold snap brought the opportunity for the children at Ecclesbourne to get outside and play in the snow.
Gold, Red and Yellow classes have been working really hard over the last few weeks on perfecting their Christmas performances and completing various Christmas craft activities.
Wow! We woke up to a Winter Wonderland this morning after an evening and night of snowfall.
Last week we talked about the change in weather and the importance of remembering to keep ourselves warm when outside and putting on our big coat!
Children throughout EPS have put on excellent performances in their respective Christmas shows.
Our KS1 classes delivered two wonderful performances of the production ‘Lights, Camel, Action’ last week to very packed and appreciative audiences.
Whilst there was much excitement this morning when the children arrived to see the snow-clad field, there was also disappointment for the choir when it became clear that the treacherous conditions outside, and the knock on effect of these on the bus service, would mean their planned visit to the Whitgift Centre to sing carols could not go ahead.
Atwood Artists Mrs McWhinnie leads a band of enthusiastic artists each week and as we enter the last week of the Autumn Term, the children of Art Club have used their Computing Skills to prepare a PowerPoint showcasing their learning in Art Club.
Evie Smail, from 3M has been busy making Hama Bead Decorations for Smile Train Last week, I received a wonderful email from Evie’s mum about an amazing project Evie has been busy with which is supporting a great cause.
A snowy morning provided some great photo opportunities today. Thanks to our site staff all Pegasus schools are open and everyone is inside, warm and learning in the last week before Christmas 🎄 https://t.co/K7WZhdEIFO
We were very excited to have one of our parents come into school to read a familiar story to our children in her home language.
This week we have spent time thinking about how resourceful we are in the classroom.
This week all of the children at Whitehorse Infants proudly sang their hearts out in their Christmas Concerts.
This week Reception have been looking at the story ‘Polly Jean Pyjama Queen’ by the author Steve Webb.
Mr Veale’s welcome As we march towards the winter solstice on 21st December, it has become noticeably colder this week.