07 February 2023
Beulah: Year 2’s Fabulous Assemblies
Last week, the Beulah community were treated to two very wonderful theatrical productions from Indigo class and Lilac class.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Last week, the Beulah community were treated to two very wonderful theatrical productions from Indigo class and Lilac class.
In year 3 we have been studying variations of the Cinderella story.
At Ecclesbourne, we love reading and we thought what better way to celebrate the upcoming World Book Day than by running an exciting reading competition!
Today is ‘Safer Internet Day’ and the children at the Upper site are busy exploring how to stay safe online.
This term Little Ecclesbourne has been learning lots of Fairy Tales.
Preparations are well under way for Museum Day, which takes place across Pegasus schools next Friday (10th February) In the attached photo, you will see Comets class at EPS have begun painting their Roman shields.
Year 5 had a fantastic day out yesterday at London’s famous British Museum.
Over the last two weeks, the children in Gold Class have been learning about the story of the Three little pigs.
Today, Year 5 went to the British Museum and had a fantastic day studying artefacts from our Viking past.
Today, 5D Lipizzan Class shared their Class Assembly on the book Robot Girl by Malorie Blackman.
Children in Year 4 at EPS have been learning to multiply using practical resources and by working together in pairs.
Congratulations to the EPS boys’ football team for a fantastic win this afternoon against Norbury Manor who put up some stiff competition.
This half term, children from across all the Pegasus schools came together to perform poems in front of a panel of judges.
Mr Veale’s welcome We have made it through January. At the time of writing, the intensity of the sunlight is getting brighter and stronger, as the Sun appears to climb higher in the sky.
On Monday in KS1 we had a special NSPCC assembly where we learnt about our children’s rights and how we can ‘Speak out Stay Safe’.