03 March 2023
Beulah- World Book Week Highlights
We have had a wonderful ‘World Book Week’ at Beulah. We started the week with a fabulous ‘World Book Day’ parade and on Tuesday we had the amazing author Grace Francis visit our school.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
We have had a wonderful ‘World Book Week’ at Beulah. We started the week with a fabulous ‘World Book Day’ parade and on Tuesday we had the amazing author Grace Francis visit our school.
Mr Veale’s welcome The Atwood collective has made it to March.
To celebrate this year’s World Book Day, Year 4 at EPS played a few games of their own version of Harry Potter’s favourite game, quidditch, this afternoon.
Today, Year 2 at Beulah Infants took London by storm. We walked to Thornton Heath train station and caught the train to London Bridge station.
This week Year 1 have been exploring numbers up to 50!
We have had a wonderful book week at Ecclesbourne, leading up to a fantastic World Book Day dress-up and character slam today.
Chitra Soundar led an inspiring assembly for children in Year 1 and Year 2 on Monday, sharing her childhood growing up in India and explaining what had inspired her to become an author.
We have had a fantastic week at the Upper School this week.
On Tuesday Margaret Bateson-Hill joined us for assembly where she enthralled Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 with her storytelling, taking us on an adventure through the Appalachian Mountains.
Congratulations to Naksh and Nikshi who are the winners of our Extreme Reading Competition!
We have had the most amazing Book Week at Cypress Lower!
What a wonderful week of stories, poems and books across all the Pegasus schools.
What an amazing week Reception have had! Monday was World Book Day and we all dressed up as characters from our favourite story!
Last week Friday, Year 2 at Cypress Primary visited London and we walked well over 13,000 steps in total!
Today at Ecclesbourne we were very lucky to have published author, Kimba, visit and work with our upper Key Stage 2 children.