23 March 2023
Beulah – Pyjama Day for Red Nose Day!
The children loved wearing their pyjamas to school for Red Nose Day.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
The children loved wearing their pyjamas to school for Red Nose Day.
Thank you to those who attended our Coffee Morning on Thursday 23rd March.
Tired but elated Year 5 (and staff) return from Carroty Wood I know parents of Year 5 will have been keeping up with developments ‘in the field’ over the last few days, but I thought that I would make a news story about the Year 5 residential.
Atwood Cross Country Runners Perform Well Mrs Bayliss reports …. ‘Congratulations to all runners in the third, and final, SLH Cross Country competition at Woodcote on Saturday 18th March.
Over the last two weeks in Nursery we have been reading the story ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk.’
Atwood Music Atwood has developed a thriving music scene over the last decade.
Last week, our young gardeners worked really hard to clear the rainwater from the holes that had previously been dug and prepared the area for planting.
On Wednesday 15th March, a team of Year 6 pupils competed in the Authors Abroad poetry slam against schools from across south London.
At the Upper School, we began the week with a visit from Margaret Bateson-Hill.
Wow – what an action-packed week we have had in Little Cypress!
Today, we celebrated Red Nose Day here at Whitehorse Manor Juniors.
Standing Item Congratulations to Mrs Standing who gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Monday evening – Finlay James.
Atwood’s Science Week really ‘connected’ with the children- Mrs Gill explains What a fantastic science week all the children at Atwood have had!
Lots of children (and even some staff) brought their bikes to school today for a bit of a tune up from Dr Bike.
What an exciting experience reception have had today! We were visited by our local firefighters and were able to see a fire truck up close.