20 October 2023
A great week was had by all at BRIG!
Wow, what a lovely week we have had at Brigstock. The children have been busily working on their BHM art work, in preparation for Mrs Stephenson-Tye’s display.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Wow, what a lovely week we have had at Brigstock. The children have been busily working on their BHM art work, in preparation for Mrs Stephenson-Tye’s display.
Settling in What an amazing first half-term we have had in Little Cypress!
At Cypress this week we have been celebrating Black History through assemblies and learning in class.
Settling in to life at Cypress Lower It barely seems possible that half a term has already flown by since the Reception children started in their classes!
The children have been amazing in their first half term in the Early Years at Atwood.
Last week, Year 2 at Beulah was abuzz with the sounds of baking and crafting.
During 2023’s Black History Month, we are connecting with our diverse histories and those of prominent Black British figures.
In Year Five, the children have been creating and performing ‘blackout’ Poetry using the book The Lost Words: A Spell Book by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris’.
Thank you to those who were able to attend our Coffee Morning last Thursday.
The Atwood girls’ football team opened their season with a win this week.
Last Friday, Connemara Class in Year 4 performed an assembly in celebration of the Harvest Festival.
Year one had a great experience at the library this week.
The gardening club at WHJUN has been out in force this week, picking up litter, weeding and planting daffodil bulbs on the edge of the field for us all to enjoy in the Spring.
Little Ecclesbourne had such an exciting time last week, when a real owl visited.
Today we were delighted to welcome so many parents and carers to our first reading cafe at Little Ecclesbourne this year.