14 December 2023
Year 6 Egyptian Projects- Shadufs
Shadufs As part of their design and technology learning, the children in Year 6 have been making shadufs.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Shadufs As part of their design and technology learning, the children in Year 6 have been making shadufs.
We had a very well attended ’Early Maths’ workshop yesterday. It was lovely to see how keen our parents are to learn how to support their own children develop their maths skills at home.
Reception treated us to the most amazing two performances of: ‘It’s a Wriggly Nativity’ on Tuesday and Thursday mornings this week.
Year 5 enjoyed taking part in a range of fun activities on Viking day.
Last week was a very busy week for Year 1 as we visited the Science Museum on Thursday.
Last Tuesday, Year 1 had a fantastic time at All Saints Church learning about the Christmas story.
Today in Year 2 we celebrated the end of our Thematic Topic, ‘The Terrible Tudors’.
Over the last few weeks in nursery we have been exploring rainbows, colours and colour mixing to go with our books ‘What Makes a Rainbow’ and ‘Mouse Paint.’
To start this week’s learning about the Nativity, the Reception children went on their first trip out and visited Sanderstead Methodist Church.
It has been a Christmas bonanza at Whitehorse Manor Junior School this week.
Our choir had the opportunity to sing at TESCO supermarket in Thornton Heath this morning to raise money for the charity WaterAid.
Today, staff and children enjoyed a wonderful Christmas lunch. The food was delicious!
The Infant Hall has been filled with the sound of singing this week as Reception, Years 1 and 2 took the spotlight in each of their Christmas concerts.
Christmas is really beginning to get a grip at Atwood and this week we finished the week with everyone in Christmas jumpers for their Christmas lunch.
Our wonderful kitchen staff prepared a delicious feast for all of the children and staff today.