15 March 2024
Money, money, money! We all need it and we all want it.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Money, money, money! We all need it and we all want it.
This week, Reception have been reading the story Zog and the Flying Doctors by Julia Donaldson.
This week, Reception have been reading the story ‘Zog and the Flying Doctors’ by the author Julia Donaldson.
Welcome to the vibrant world of spring poetry at Pegasus! In a wonderful celebration of creativity and expression, seven schools gathered together for an enchanting Spring Poetry Competition.
Our fantastic Netball team has topped the league with seven victories and two draws.
As part of their thematic learning, Year 2 visited London to discover where ‘The Great Fire of London’ took place.
Whitehorse Manor Junior school celebrated world book week with an abundance of activities and workshops to inspire our next generation of leaders!
It’s been a busy Book Week here at Whitehorse Infants, kicking off the week with dressing up as our favourite book characters.
It has been a hectic week for our Book Week celebrations this week.
As part of our World Book Day celebration week we were very pleased to open ‘The WHJUN Book Shop’.
Celebrating Book Week In Little Cypress, we love books! Books are a vital part of our everyday experiences and we come together as a class at least twice a day to share stories and enjoy a wide range of children’s literature, including Fairy Tales, poems, Nursery Rhymes and many, many books!
We have had the most amazing Book Week at Cypress Lower with the children, staff and parents all involved.
Year 5 had a fantastic Book Week as they got to experience a poetry workshop with, one of Cypress’ favourite authors and storytellers – Margaret Bateson-Hill.
This week ahs been a fun packed week full of activities linked to Reading.
Our final website story to celebrate the close our ‘Book Week.’