25 March 2024
Vote for Ecclesbourne to Win Tesco Stronger Starts Grant
Starting next week, Ecclesbourne is bidding for a cash boost from the Tesco Stronger Starts scheme, which provides grant awards of up to £1,500 to local community projects.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Starting next week, Ecclesbourne is bidding for a cash boost from the Tesco Stronger Starts scheme, which provides grant awards of up to £1,500 to local community projects.
I always think that the best class assemblies just tell parents what you are getting up to at school, because we all know that whenever you ask a child what they did at school the first response is usually: Nothing!
This half-term in Year 4,the children have begun to learn about Anglo-Saxons and have looked at the beautiful illuminated manuscripts from that time in history.
This week reception have been looking at the story ‘Clean Up’ by the author Nathan Bryon.
The term is flying by but the children have been busy with their learning.
At the Lower School this week, we have been focusing on the Pegasus Value ‘We are Proud’.
Today, our Eco Friends continued on their Eco Warrior journey to save the planet by going on a litter pick around the school grounds.
We know that Spring has properly arrived when the tree in the Nursery playground comes into blossom and this week it has done just that.
In Beech Class we have been embracing the Pegasus Value of We Care.
It has been a busy week in Reception with lots of fun things going on.
Today the three rock bands who have been working hard with the Rock Steady teacher this term gave their first performances, rocking out in the hall to thunderous applause.
We had a brilliant start to the morning at Cypress Lower today thanks to Green Class and their fabulous assembly.
CALAT (Croydon Adult Learning and Training) have been running family language classes in our Willow centre for our parents and carers.
This term in reception our topic is ‘People Who Help Us’.
On Wednesday 13th March 2024, the member of Atwood’s School Council visited the Houses of Parliament.