28 June 2024
ATW Nursery News – Trees and shapes
In Nursery we have been continuing to read the book ‘Tree’ and have had many discussions about what can be found in a forest.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
In Nursery we have been continuing to read the book ‘Tree’ and have had many discussions about what can be found in a forest.
This week in Reception, the children have been learning all about frogs.
It has been an exciting week of learning for year 3!
Endings and New Beginnings It seems impossible to believe that we only have three weeks left of this Summer Term!
There is nothing better than spending time with your friends and family, reading a good book and enjoying a snack.
After weeks of training and practice, the WHJUN Athletics Team arrived at Croydon Sports Arena.
A huge congratulations to all of the Eco Friends at Whitehorse Infants as they have achieved a prestigious Eco Schools Green Flag!
The children in Year 5 have been exploring different graffiti artists including Stik, Banksy and El Seed.
It has been a very busy week at Cypress with the children enjoying learning new things and making good progress.
Farming Fun The children in Little Cypress have been continuing learning all about The Farm.
As you may know, the children in year 2 have been learning all about the seaside.
We have had a bumper sporting week this week culminating on Thursday’s sports day.
This week children in Nursery have been reading the book ‘Tree’.
We have been learning about spiders this week as we have been reading the book “Aaaarrgghh, spider!”
Djembe Kings hosted a special guest at today’s session as they were reunited with Mr Spoerer!