19 July 2024
ATW Reception news – mud kitchens and moving on
It is the final week of Reception. The children enjoyed celebrating by reflecting on the many things they have done this year.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
It is the final week of Reception. The children enjoyed celebrating by reflecting on the many things they have done this year.
It is always hard to say goodbye to our leavers, and we all enjoy our leavers’ assembly and the range of certificates presented, from the final Gold Awards, to the class based ‘Most likely to…’ certificates which always tell us so much about how well the children and staff know and like each other.
I suppose the only way to really present an assembly about a magical place was with a fully immersive, dare I say ‘magical’ experience.
Summer Goodbyes and Superheroes What a happy, fun and emotional week it has been here in Little Cypress!
This year’s ESOL course, for our parents, concluded on Tuesday. The course is run by CALAT but takes place in our school, over two terms.
Year 3 had a lovely trip to RHS Wisley on Monday.
Over the past few weeks, Year 2 have had a great time making the puppets which they had previously designed.
Our sports’ days at WHJUN were highlights of the year for children across the school.
The results are in! Children, teachers and sport coaches across the Pegasus Academy Trust worked hard in the lead up to the Croydon Sports Athletics Competition.
Year 6 wowed the audience with a fantastic performance of Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
Dear Pegasus families, We are delighted to share with you our ‘Recommended Reads’ for each year group from Nursery to Year Six.
On Friday, we held our annual Sports Day at Cypress Lower.
We are heading towards the last half week of term but this hasn’t stopped all our children from continuing to try their hardest and reach new goals.
Today we all had the pleasure of watching, Indigo’s final assembly.
With a week to go, it seems that each week we are packing in more and more stuff.