07 June 2024
ATW Reception News – Farm trip to meet the minibeasts
What a day Reception has had. All 59 children went for a trip to Godstone farm as part of our Beastly Beasties topic.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
What a day Reception has had. All 59 children went for a trip to Godstone farm as part of our Beastly Beasties topic.
It has been a good first week back after half term and we have enjoyed seeing all our children and families back in school.
Back to school! What a fantastic start we have had to our final half term of the academic year!
Nursery has had a lovely week we managed to look back at our bread in the window and see if our predictions were correct.
This week our reception children started their forest school outdoor learning and had a fantastic time.
On Tuesday, year 2 children took the bus and tram to Morden Hall Park to become habitat explorers for the day.
As a result of our collaboration with the P.I.G. charity and their allotment project, some of our Year 6 pupils were lucky enough to go and visit Mrs Burney’s Bees in Frylands Wood this week.
The week before half term was science week. Year 2 became Habitat Heroes as they discovered how habitats have changed over time.
The Eco Friends walked to Heaver’s Meadow last half term to undertake a successful community litter pick.
Our children had a fantastic day at the Horniman Museum.
WOW! What a fantastic start to Science Week we have had!
Our Year 1 classes had a great day this week at the Horniman museum.
The final week before half term has been very busy with lots of exciting things happening in school.
This week we have been celebrating Science week in school leading to lots of interesting scientific discoveries.
Indigo and Lilac Classes set off on Tuesday to become habitat explorers at Morden Hall Park.