07 March 2025
WHINF Beanstalks and Book Day!
What a busy start to the term! There has been lots going on in nursery over the last couple of weeks.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
What a busy start to the term! There has been lots going on in nursery over the last couple of weeks.
Today Lilac class had the opportunity to walk around our beautiful city and take in all the sights and sounds.
Thursday was a special day at Beulah as the teachers and children were thrilled to welcome the renowned author, James Sellick!
It has been a busy week in Reception! We continued with the topic, ‘To The Rescue!’
This week we have been celebrating all things book related for World Book Day!
Dear Pegasus Families, It has been a very exciting Book Week across all of the Pegasus schools.
What a fantastic Book Week Year 3 have had! We kicked of our book week with a special visit from poet Joshua Seigal.
Year 1 have had a great week, starting with our annual world book day dress up!
Every year, it is always a joy to see so many of our children and staff embracing World Book Day with a variety of creative costumes, and 2025 has been no exception.
Today, Ecclesbourne was joined by award-winning author, Andrew Clover. Andrew writes the ‘Rory Branagan: Detective’ series which now has seven books published.
Books, books books…. What a fantastic assortment of book characters arrived in Rainbows and Nursery today, in honour of World Book Day!
Year 2 have been having an absolute blast this book week.
We were thrilled to welcome author James Sellick to Ecclesbourne on Tuesday as part of our Book Week celebrations.
It was a very exciting start to the day at Cypress Lower today as author Jeanne Willis came to visit us and her book ‘Bog Baby’ is part of our Reception curriculum.
As part of our Book Week at Cypress Lower, we welcomed storyteller Kevin Graal to the school today.