14 June 2024

BINF – Healthy Eating Week

This week has been ‘Healthy Eating Week’ at Beulah. We launched the week with a special assembly where we learnt about the importance of ensuring that we exercise, have a good night’s sleep, have a positive attitude and ensure we take the time to relax our minds! The children have been very inspired and especially enjoyed learning about healthy eating!  In each class, the children made their very own healthy snack. One of the children in reception said, “I am going to use all of the salad to make sure my wrap is very healthy!”  We were so happy when the sun came out this afternoon, just at the right time, for our whole school picnic on the field.  The children sat with their friends and children enjoyed eating and drinking the healthy snacks that they had made. We are now hoping that the children will remember to choose the things they have tried this week at lunchtime because there are seven different salads that are available every day!



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Published on 14th June, 2024

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