25 May 2022
BINF – Learning about Africa!
Year 1 classes had a fabulous time at the Horniman museum yesterday.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Year 1 classes had a fabulous time at the Horniman museum yesterday.
This week in Nursery we have been learning all about different types of construction vehicles.
Last week we had a Jubilee party in Gold class. In preparation for the Jubilee we made crowns and flags, which we got to wear for the party!
Last week, the children at Beulah were very busy making crowns and flags for our Jubilee celebrations on Thursday.
This week Red and Yellow classes performed their class assemblies. They showcased some of their fantastic work and sang some of their favourite songs.
This half term, Year 2 are learning about ‘Seasides’ and have thoroughly enjoyed their learning so far.
Thanks to our first delivery from the Felix project we were able to set up our first market stall providing our families with fresh, nutritious foods.
Last week, Beulah children had an explosive visit from the Royal Institute!
This half term our focus author is Anthony Browne. He has won many awards for his work including the Kate Greenaway Medal (twice), the Kurt Maschler Award (three times) and in June 2009 Anthony was announced as the sixth Children’s Laureate.
This week in Nursery we have read the book ‘We All Go Travelling By’ by Sheena Roberts, which introduced us to lots of types of different types of vehicles.
We were very excited to celebrate Eid together at Beulah today and hear all about the exciting celebrations that will take place next week.
Tickets please… next stop Gold Class. This week in Nursery we started our new topic all about transport, focusing this week on buses.
With recent higher numbers of COVID cases across the UK the SLT of the Pegasus Academy Trust has put in place some new precautionary measures to keep us all safe as we enter the last weeks of term.
Hello to all of our Pegasus families wherever you are reading this.
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement today (Wednesday 30th December) and the publication of the accompanying guidance it is now clear that Croydon schools, including our schools within the Pegasus Academy Trust, will not reopen on 5th January as planned.