09 February 2024
WHINF-A Thematic Curriculum Triumph!
As many of you will know, at Pegasus we organise the teaching of history, geography, DT and art within themes under the umbrella term of the ‘Thematic Curriculum’.
Please click here for more details.
As many of you will know, at Pegasus we organise the teaching of history, geography, DT and art within themes under the umbrella term of the ‘Thematic Curriculum’.
Whitehorse Infants have been working with the Children’s Book Project to provide free books for children to take home.
Today – Tuesday, 6 February 2024 – is Safer Internet Day.
Did you know there is a local pop-up sustainable living hub?
The Eco Schools team have had a busy week! On Monday, they took part in the RSPB Big School Bird watch event where they took to the school field to record the different species of birds they observed.
To promote reading for pleasure, Whitehorse infant and junior schools have teamed up and created a ‘reading buddy’ session once a week.
The Eco Schools team has been out and about ensuring that we are taking every opportunity to look after our environment.
Two years ago junior children from Whitehorse Manor-Brigstock site and Eccelsbourne took part in the Green Project at Bensham allotments.
Father Sean gratefully received a £25 donation from the school this week.
Earlier on this term, one of our Eco Friends – Shay in Indigo Class, wrote a persuasive letter to Ms Hall asking for a battery recycling bin to be installed in school.
There was great excitement throughout the school today as Santa visited the children in their classes.
Today, staff and children enjoyed a wonderful Christmas lunch. The food was delicious!
Whitehorse Infants welcomed a visitor from Beddington ERF on Thursday to deliver an assembly all about waste and recycling.
The infant children remembered those who fought and gave their lives in battle, so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.
Year 3 have been really enjoying learning about dinosaurs in reading, literacy and thematic.