10 February 2023
Beulah Infants AMAZING Museum Morning
This morning we welcomed Parents and Carers into Beulah Infants for our Museum Day.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
This morning we welcomed Parents and Carers into Beulah Infants for our Museum Day.
We know that the natural surroundings at Cypress Primary School are highly prized by parents and since Pegasus have been at the school we have invested heavily in the woodlands that lie between the school buildings on the Lower site and Cypress and Auckland Roads.
Extra bank holiday for the coronation of King Charles III As a result of the announcement by the Prime Minister allowing another bank holiday for the coronation of King Charles III the term dates for the schools in the Pegasus Academy Trust have now been changed.
Year 6 have had a whirlwind of a week and a brilliant end to our half term.
One of the advantages to being part of a Multi Academy Trust is that all staff are part of a much bigger team than they would be in a single ‘standalone’ school.
Last week, children in Year 6 prepared and delivered speeches to put themselves forward to represent their house as a House Captain.
There have been sixty one Kings and Queens of England in the last 1200 years but none has been monarch longer than Queen Elizabeth II, who died yesterday at the age of 96.
Atwood Primary School to join Pegasus in September 2022 We have received confirmation from the Regional Schools’ Commissioner that Atwood Primary School has been successful in its application to join Pegasus from 1st September 2022.
EPS netball team finished the netball season on a high with three amazing matches last week.
Year 6 brought the house down on Thursday evening with their fantastic performance of ‘Mystery at Magpie Manor’.
This week, Year 6 at Whitehorse Manor performed their end of term production, ‘Aladdin Trouble,’ to children across the school and to their parents.
One of the first things young scientists learn is the difference between solids, liquids, and gases.
Our friends at Thornton Heath Nursery School (THNS) are starting a new ‘Stay and Play’ after the half term holiday.
With recent higher numbers of COVID cases across the UK the SLT of the Pegasus Academy Trust has put in place some new precautionary measures to keep us all safe as we enter the last weeks of term.
Works update During lockdown our landscape gardeners were busy outside at Cypress Lower continuing the work to make our woodland more accessible and useable for outdoor education.