16 September 2022
CYP Lower – School Council representatives
This week at Cypress Lower we have been Building our Learning Powers (BLP).
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
This week at Cypress Lower we have been Building our Learning Powers (BLP).
What an eventful week! From soaring heatwaves to emotional assemblies, it’s certainly been a week to remember.
This website post has information, activity clubs and links to resources which will support families and children over the summer holidays.
Dear Cypress community, We hope that you have managed to stay safe in this heat.
This week has been incredibly hot and with temperatures set to soar next week, we’ve been thinking of ways to keep cool.
Today was the day we’ve all been waiting for… CYPRESS LOWER SPORTS DAY!
Well done to Yellow class who performed amazingly in their class assembly, sharing their learning about minibeasts.
This morning our Reception children joined KS1 in the hall for Rainbow assembly for the first time, in preparation for their transition to Year 1 in September.
Well done to Red class who led a fantastic assembly this morning, sharing their learning about minibeasts.
Last week we were treated to a concert showcasing the budding musicians we have at Cypress.
We have had a Super Science Week at Cypress Lower School with exciting investigations in every year group!
Wow! What a hot few days we’ve had in school. We’ve all tried our best to keep cool, drink lots of water and stick to the shade.
Orange class led a fabulous assembly this morning, sharing their learning about minibeasts.
It’s been amazing to welcome back our children and families after half term.
Well done to our Gold Award recipients this half term! We have celebrated two children from each class who have demonstrated that they are a team player, discussing what this means in assembly.