16 July 2024

Get Reading this Summer with Pegasus Recommended Reads

Dear Pegasus families,

We are delighted to share with you our Recommended Reads for each year group from Nursery to Year Six. These recommendations come from staff who have read and shared many of  these books. Some of them are connected to our English curriculum texts and will help broaden children’s reading experience. Some of the books have been chosen because they are funny, scary, thrilling, entertaining, beautiful and fascinating. Some are part of a series so if you like one, you might enjoy them all! You will find fiction, non-fiction, poetry and graphic novels in each year group because we love all kinds of books.

We hope you will enjoy browsing through our selection. These books might spark some Summer reading – maybe you can visit your local library and join up for the Summer Reading Challenge here and dip into our Recommended Reads to help you complete the Challenge! Remember, once you join your local library you can also access a huge e-book library here.

Please scroll through our Recommended Reads book lists on the link below or in the attached pdf here. Make sure you scroll to the end to see a book list of title and author to help you locate the book.


Happy reading! 📚

Mrs Parker

PAT English Lead






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Published on 16th July, 2024

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