24 May 2024

BINF – It’s TIME For Science Week….

WOW! What a fantastic start to Science Week we have had! On Monday, the children at Beulah had an exciting assembly to kick-start science week and inspire the children to get involved. Miss Butler conducted an exciting experiment using, hydrogen peroxide, washing up liquid and yeast to make foamy ‘elephant toothpaste’!


The theme for this year’s science week is ‘Time’.  The teachers were asked to partake in an exciting range of activities that lasted 30 seconds to really help the children understand the concept of time.  Mr St Aimee had to see how many star jumps he could do in 30 seconds, Miss Rohmat had to count to 10 as many times as she could before the time ran out and Mrs Butler had to build a tower in 30 seconds, with as many blocks as she could balance!


The children will be conducting lots of experiments in their classroom’s this week and we cannot wait to find out what the results will be!

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Published on 24th May, 2024

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