This page offers helpful information and web links for parents about our responsibilities for child protection and keeping children safe.
The Trust takes its responsibility for the safety and welfare of the children in our care extremely seriously and regularly trains or updates staff on the latest guidance and changes to legal requirements. In each school we have staff who are trained designated safeguarding leads and undertake additional certificated training. Lynne Sampson leads on safeguarding within The Pegasus Academy Trust and the designated leads within each school are:
- Atwood Primary – Paul Robins, Jennifer Holliday and Hannah Townsend;
- Beulah Nursery and Infants – Debbie Butler and Heather Allen;
- Whitehorse Manor (Main) – Nina Achenbach, Nicola Hall, Emma Chang, Carly Roberts & Michael Stephenson;
- Whitehorse Manor (Brigstock) – Nicole Tye and Tina Price;
- Ecclesbourne Primary School – Jo Sorensen, Michelle Weston and Georgina Roberts;
- Cypress Primary School – Claire Binks, Ailsa Chapman, Nikki Carpenter, Nancy Wayman and Suelaka Ebrahim.
Available downloads
Safeguarding Links
Information About FGM
Female genital mutilation (FGM), sometimes known as ‘female circumcision’ or ‘female genital cutting’, is illegal in the UK
Protecting children from radicalisation
The Prevent duty is the duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 on specified authorities, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.
NSPCC: Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation
Child sexual exploitation is a hidden crime. Young people often trust their abuser and don't understand that they're being abused.
Croydon Children and Families Partnership - Early Help
Croydon has commissioned a range of services to help families at the earliest opportunity and support them through difficult periods. For further information please click the link below.
Keeping Children Safe with LGfL DigiSafe
It's never easy to know how to keep our children safe when they aren't with us, and sometimes even when are, if we don't know what's happening in their lives or on their devices! Who are they talking to, what are they doing, are they okay? Don't despair though...go to this page for help.