19 July 2024

The first ‘Pegasus Cup’ sponsored by Croydon Jubilee Rotary Club

It is always hard to say goodbye to our leavers, and we all enjoy our leavers’ assembly and the range of certificates presented, from the final Gold Awards, to the class based ‘Most likely to…’ certificates which always tell us so much about how well the children and staff know and like each other.  This year we were pleased to present ‘The Pegasus Cup’, an award sponsored by the Croydon Jubilee Rotary Club for a pupil who has consistently demonstrated the Pegasus values during their time at Whitehorse Manor Junior School.  We were joined by Pamela Tibbles, current Croydon Jubilee President and Tony Rowland, long standing Rotary member and ex-Whitehorse Manor pupil, so that Pamela could present the award in person.  It had been a difficult choice to make but, following democratic suggestions by the children in Year 6 and discussions with staff, Musa Mian in 6M Shire Class was presented with the award.  We are proud of all our leaving pupils and wish them all the best for the future.

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Published on 19th July, 2024

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