14 May 2022
CYPUPPER: Tennis Competition
Year 3 and 4 (Ruby, Gus, Lucy and James) took part in a mini tennis competition at South Croydon Sports Centre, competing against 7 schools in Croydon.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Year 3 and 4 (Ruby, Gus, Lucy and James) took part in a mini tennis competition at South Croydon Sports Centre, competing against 7 schools in Croydon.
We had an amazing time this afternoon. We were thoroughly entertained by our talented children.
This week has been a testing week for our Year 6s.
What a way to end the week- a celebration for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee!
The children had fun today celebrating the up coming Queen’s Jubilee.
Sunday May 15th Multiple locations – see below 9:30am @ South Norwood Lakes for age 10+ 11am @ Monument for all abilities A fantastic and fun co-creation with our friends at Kidical Mass London, we’re going for a ride to (for big kids) and through (for everyone) Central London, a parade with IBikeLondon’s wonderful cargo bike sound systems loaded up with a family friendly playlist along the Thames Cycleways, lunch in Southwark Park (great cafe with wide range of kid friendly options!),
We’ve had a lovely day in the sun at Cypress and it’s been great to see everyone enjoying our wonderful school grounds.
Year 3 has had a fantastic first week back to the summer term.
We have continued to think about meta-learning this week. In particular, we have been thinking about which learning powers are the most useful in specific tasks, for example in a revision task, we would need to capitalise, make links and use interdependence (consider whether it is better to work alone or with others).
Recently, Year 3 children created their own reports about their visit to see ‘real-life’ cavemen and women Cave People at Ecclesbourne Primary School.
Time to prime those brains and flex those fingers: World Maths Day is back!
To finish off their Book Week, the children in Year 3 and Year 5 came together this afternoon and celebrated their love of reading by sharing some of their favourite books.
So, today has been the highlight of the week- WORLD BOOK DAY!
Year 3 had a fantastic end to Book Week! Yesterday, we dressed up as our favourite book characters and had a day full of book talk and inspiring others to read our favourite books.
Yesterday, Year 5 had the opportunity to meet the illustrator- Selom Sunu.