07 October 2022
Banji Alexander arrives at WHJUN!
Today, the author Banji Alexander visited Whitehorse Juniors to talk about his new book- Lockdown Looms: Reggie’s Birthday Party.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Today, the author Banji Alexander visited Whitehorse Juniors to talk about his new book- Lockdown Looms: Reggie’s Birthday Party.
Congratulations to the selected pupils from Year 3 and 4 who took part in the Croydon Schools’ Cross Country event at Lloyd Park on Tuesday 4th October.
Last week, Year 3 were studying the fantastically evocative poem called ‘From a Railway Carriage’ by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Absorption has been the focus of the week. We have discussed some ‘top tips’ to help us become absorbed and have realised that absorption is not just concentrating or giving something focused attention; it also involves an enjoyment and engagement with what is being learned.
We have been busily selling raffle tickets and hosting a cake sale, in order to raise money for the very worthwhile charity Macmillan Cancer Support.
Many thanks to everyone who donated cakes, treats and money to our Macmillan Coffee morning today.
Year 5 have had a busy but fantastic start to the year so far!
Hopefully you have all seen the fantastic Disney movie – The Lion King!
We are delighted that this year we are able to run our family learning again.
This year at Atwood, all of our corridor displays are showcasing famous artists.
This week the weather may have been changeable this week, but at Cypress Upper we have not!
Our current Thematic topic in Year 3 is a local area study about Crystal Palace.
Yesterday, we were all saddened to hear of the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II.
Our new year 3 cohort has had a fantastic start to their Key Stage 2 career.
It has been such an eventful week at Cypress! Monday and Tuesday saw the hottest temperatures ever recorded in the UK, and the sweatiest school days we’ve ever witnessed!