01 March 2023

Alim Kamara is a hit at WHJUN!

What an exciting week we have been having here at Whitehorse Manor Juniors.

Today, we were visited by the fantastic storyteller-Alim Kamara. He kick started the morning off with a whole school assembly, which was engaging, full of energy and absolutely hilarious. Roars of laughter echoed through the hall! He ensured that there was 100% audience participation at all points throughout his story telling. The children were fantastic at remembering theĀ  different parts and actions and were great at mimicking the way in which the story should be told.

Alim then spent the rest of the day working with theĀ  Year 4 classes (WHJUN and Brigstock). He again told the children a range of stories that were funny, exciting and provided strategies on how to remember stories and tell them to others. It was a positive and truly fantastic visit. It is always a pleasure to be in the audience when Alim Kamara is leading an assembly/workshop.

I am Awesome, I am Beautiful, I am Capable! This is the message that the children left Alim’s assembly with. Photos below.

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Published on 1st March, 2023

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