07 March 2023
EPS get in training for World Maths Day!
Mathletics (our Key Stage 2 online maths program) are hosting their own World Maths Day this week and here at Ecclesbourne the children are limbering up for the big day!
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Mathletics (our Key Stage 2 online maths program) are hosting their own World Maths Day this week and here at Ecclesbourne the children are limbering up for the big day!
Over half term, we asked you to encourage your children to have a go at creating a ‘Book in a Box.’
As part of last week’s reading celebrations each class chose and, with the help of their adults, created a book cover for each of their classroom doors – these were all too lovely not to share.
Congratulations to Venus, Comets and Shuttles who each won the reading competition for their age group!
We have had a wonderful ‘World Book Week’ at Beulah. We started the week with a fabulous ‘World Book Day’ parade and on Tuesday we had the amazing author Grace Francis visit our school.
This week Year 1 have been exploring numbers up to 50!
We have had a wonderful book week at Ecclesbourne, leading up to a fantastic World Book Day dress-up and character slam today.
Congratulations to Naksh and Nikshi who are the winners of our Extreme Reading Competition!
What a wonderful week of stories, poems and books across all the Pegasus schools.
As part of our Book Week celebrations, another fantastic author visited Ecclesbourne today.
Yesterday, we launched our ‘Book Week’ celebrations in style at Beulah.
Children from across the school were treated to an oral health and hygiene workshop today.
This morning we welcomed Parents and Carers into Beulah Infants for our Museum Day.
Today our lovely school was completely transformed into an exciting museum with interesting artefacts round every corner.
We saw a fantastic turn out for our Museum Day today.