14 June 2024

Ms Achenbach visits Cuffley

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of visiting our children on the Year 6 residential trip to Cuffley Activity Camp.  Arriving at 11am, I was greeted by children who, I was reliably informed by both the pupils and staff, had managed to go to bed late and to wake up early.  Really, really early.  How early? 5am. Maybe 4.30am.  Despite the late night and early rise, they were still in good spirits.  Apparently, it is cold at night and wearing every item of clothing that you have with you is recommended.  You also need to ensure that you don’t leave any food out unless you want to be sweeping ants out of your tent.  And let’s not mention spiders.  There was a huge one in the wood pile.  It might have been the same one children told me about last year, in the same wood pile, because it has definitely grown.  There was much excitement about the presence of tiny, ‘munjac’ deer in the woods (possibly in the tents too, although most agreed the ‘rustling’ sound was probably just a big bug) and the breakfast was described as excellent – full English with cereal.  Garlic bread on the outdoor grill was also a hit, as were the marshmallow ‘s’mores’ (so good you want some more) prepared over the campfire. Activities that I took part in included archery and axe throwing (very well done to those who got the axe stuck into the wood).   I wait with bated breath to find out who won the talent show last night and what talents were on show – not axe throwing, which only took place in a very controlled area!  Children are on their way home now and we are all looking forward to welcoming them back.

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Published on 14th June, 2024

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