04 July 2024
BINF- ‘Share a story’ in Gold class
This term, Gold Class have a very special ‘Share a Story’ session every Wednesday morning.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
This term, Gold Class have a very special ‘Share a Story’ session every Wednesday morning.
Last week, the reception children said goodbye to their class butterflies!
Tickets are available now for the year 6 show, The Wizard of Oz (a musical adaptation by Tom Kirkham).
All of the children in year one and year two had great fun on their sports days on Tuesday, even though the sun failed to arrive!
This week has been ‘Healthy Eating Week’ at Beulah. We launched the week with a special assembly where we learnt about the importance of ensuring that we exercise, have a good night’s sleep, have a positive attitude and ensure we take the time to relax our minds!
All of the children in our nursery and reception classes had wonderful sports days today.
Gold class are enjoying the summer term! The children have been busy planting and caring for the flowers that they have grown from seed.
What a wonderful afternoon Yellow and Red Classes have had at Beulah today.
The inaugural Pegasus Trust Games has taken place with Ecclesbourne crowned champions.
Our children had a fantastic day at the Horniman Museum.
WOW! What a fantastic start to Science Week we have had!
Our Year 1 classes had a great day this week at the Horniman museum.
It has been lovely to see Yellow Class enjoying their calming yoga session in the beautiful sunshine with Miss Dixon, the Yoga and Dance teacher.
What a fantastic start to the new summer term! Upon our return to school, and to our surprise, our garden looked beautiful with the flowers blossoming.
In Beech Class we have been embracing the Pegasus Value of We Care.