20 January 2023

EPS: A massive thank you to Lidl

At Ecclesbourne we would like to say a massive thank you to Lidl who have been helping us with our breakfast provision.  Over the past few months, while our regular bagel supplier Magic Breakfast has been sorting out some supply chain issues, we have been relying on Lidl to make sure all our children have been able to have a bagel for breakfast at the start of the school day.  After reaching out for help and explaining how important a good breakfast is for helping children to learn, Lidl agreed to supply us with some of their bagels.  Mr Butters has been busy collecting them from the Lidl store on London Road and Dan, our friendly chef,  has been busy preparing them for the children.  So far, Lidl have provided us with over 1000 bagels all for free.

We know how important this meal is for many of our children and we also know how much the children enjoy their bagel.  Therefore, we just want to say…THANK YOU!

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Published on 20th January, 2023

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