07 December 2022
Increase in Group A Strep cases across the UK
You may be aware from the media that the UK is seeing a high number of Group A strep cases this year.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
You may be aware from the media that the UK is seeing a high number of Group A strep cases this year.
What a treat we had at Lower School today when Ruby Class performed their fun-filled assembly for their parents and carers and the rest of Year 2!
Rocksteady Pop Up Concert Over the last few years, Atwood has partnered with Rocksteady Music School who have developed the musical skills of our children so much, that the children wanted to perform in a ‘pop up concert’.
Last week, all the children at Ecclesbourne Primary School participated in the NSPCC’s Speak Out, Stay Safe programme.
Christmas is fast approaching and Reception have been getting into the Christmas spirit by taking part in lots of exciting crafty activities.
The sparkle of the festive season has reached Little Cypress this week and we are starting to feel the excitement build!
Today at Atwood all of the children in the Early Years enjoyed making lots of Christmas crafts with family and friends.
This term, children were excited to receive their Mini London Marathon badges.
Mr Veale’s welcome I am really enjoying how the new version of the newsletter is prompting Atwood families to write to me about their child’s achievements.
Thank you to those who were able to attend our Coffee Morning on Thursday.
This week at the Upper School, we have been learning to be resourceful and considering what makes us resourceful learners.
Over the last two weeks in nursery we have continued with our colour theme.
At Ecclesbourne, we were delighted to welcome parents and carers to our first reading cafe of the year this week!
Results from the previous Big Debate #4- Should we sweep leaves on our streets?
On Tuesday, we had another very successful parent coffee morning. This time we invited Barbara Allen from our Mental Health Support Team (MHST) to come in and explain to our parents/carers what support they offer.