06 January 2023
CYPRESS: Happy New Year!
We are so glad to be back at school after the Christmas holiday.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
We are so glad to be back at school after the Christmas holiday.
This half term our focus author is Mick Inkpen. He began his career as a graphic designer and worked on a cartoon strip for the Sunday Express newspaper.
This week the children were so happy to return to school.
Mr Veale’s welcome We all hope that you had a restful Christmas holiday and that you are gradually getting back to normal as we near the end of the first week of 2023.
It has been so lovely seeing our youngest children come back to Rainbows and Nursery so confidently this week, after the Christmas break.
Merry Christmas from everyone at Cypress Lower School! It has felt even more festive this week with the snowfall and we’ve had great fun playing outside!
We have had a very Christmassy, musical week at Beulah! Our choir has been very busy.
Last week, the children all took part in their amazing Christmas performances and concerts.
Mr Veale’s welcome What week we have all had! With our eyes gazing out of our hopefully warm front rooms on Sunday afternoon, we wondered what would become of the snow.
We were so excited to come to school on Monday! There was quite a thick blanket of snow on the ground – amazing fun to play in (a health and safety nightmare for Mr Stewart and Mr Cheyne!).
Today, a very special visitor came to Brigstock to deliver some presents…Father Christmas!
This week we were delighted to welcome families to watch a live performance of the Nativity by Years 1 and 2.
This term, our school council have been working with one of our Ecclesbourne parents to test the inspirational Figures of Black British Society (FOBBS) app, an educational resource which focuses on delivering high-quality information on significant figures with Black British heritage.
Please see the attached posters for information about some of the activities and meal offers available for families in the school holidays.
What a week we have had! We arrived at school on Monday all wrapped up to make sure we could play outside in the snow.