10 February 2023
BRIG-STEM Construction Workshop for Yr5
This week the children in Year 5 took part in a STEM construction workshop delivered by Robyn from Procur3d Consulting Ltd.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
This week the children in Year 5 took part in a STEM construction workshop delivered by Robyn from Procur3d Consulting Ltd.
It has been a very busy last week before half term!
What an incredible week we’ve had at Cypress Lower School! Museum Day at Cypress Lower School This morning we welcomed Parents and Carers into Cypress for our Museum Day, showcasing the children’s thematic work.
What a busy and exciting week we have had in Little Cypress!
Today, Mrs Pinkney, Mrs Chang and a small group of children, took to the school field with their spades and began planting Daffodil bulbs.
We arrived at nursery one morning this week to find that someone had made a mess!
Today our lovely school was completely transformed into an exciting museum with interesting artefacts round every corner.
Many parents were amazed at the incredible displays of work at Whitehorse Manor Infants for ‘Museum day’.
We saw a fantastic turn out for our Museum Day today.
Wow Wow Wow! The Whitehorse Museum opened this morning and what a beautiful sight it was.
This morning the school was looking fabulous! Today is our annual Museum Day and the children and staff have worked really hard to prepare fantastic displays of work and learning for the enjoyment of parents and carers.
This week, we have been looking at how we can look after our mental health.
On Tuesday this week it was Safer Internet Day. All the children joined an assembly by Mr Francis focusing on this year’s theme of ‘Want to Talk About It?’.
Last week, the Beulah community were treated to two very wonderful theatrical productions from Indigo class and Lilac class.
In year 3 we have been studying variations of the Cinderella story.