18 December 2023
BINF- Choir Perform at Tesco Store!
Our fabulous school choir has been really busy over the past few weeks, learning lots of Christmas songs.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Our fabulous school choir has been really busy over the past few weeks, learning lots of Christmas songs.
In a thrilling journey back in time, Year 5 celebrated Viking Day, immersing themselves in the rich history and culture of the legendary Norse seafarers.
At Beulah, we love to read and support each other to develop our love of reading!
A big thank you to the Choir and Mrs Ehiemua for leading us in carols after school this Friday afternoon.
Earlier on this term, one of our Eco Friends – Shay in Indigo Class, wrote a persuasive letter to Ms Hall asking for a battery recycling bin to be installed in school.
When is the most wonderful time of the year in Year 2?
It has been a very busy week at Cypress with lots of Christmas performances and plenty of hard work taking place!
Singing could be heard all over the early years during the last few weeks as everyone prepared for this weeks performances.
This week has seen Atwood take to the stage with 7 Christmas performances and a Rock and Roll concert from Rocksteady.
It has been a week of wonderful shows at Atwood with 7 performances across a range of classes and ages.
On Wednesday, Year 2 had their ‘Tudor Day’. All the children made a fantastic effort with their costumes and really looked the part!
The Christmas celebrations and festivities have been building this week in Little Cypress!
There was great excitement throughout the school today as Santa visited the children in their classes.
The Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs) at Whitehorse Juniors were at it again!
This week reception have been getting ready for Christmas in a number of ways.