19 January 2024
BINF-A workshop full of wonders!
Our Year 1 classes had a fantastic day on Wednesday, learning all about toys from the past.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Our Year 1 classes had a fantastic day on Wednesday, learning all about toys from the past.
What a fun filled day reception had on Monday! We were fortunate enough to have a special visit from Professor Bubble Works who helped us make slime!
A return to the frosty weather has meant more ice exploration in the Early Years, and lots of moving around to keep warm whilst outside!
It was so lovely for pupils in 5T Percheron Class to get started on ‘Roots of Empathy’ this week.
Jack Frost has visited! The weather turned very chilly this week and we were certainly prepared for the change in temperature!
We have had a busy two weeks back at nursery. We have started our new topic for the term which is Traditional Tales.
Earlier this week, our Reception classes had a very special visit from a scientist called Professor Bubbleworks!
Acclaimed singer-songwriter Tom Bright took time out of his busy schedule of recording, gigs and TV appearances to come and sing with the children at Beulah!
Last week, Year 6 travelled to Croydon Fire Station to take part in a range of activities promoting safety and awareness as well as supporting their transition into secondary school.
Today, reception had a very exciting visit from a special scientist called, Professor Bubbleworks!
Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you all. I hope you had an enjoyable break over the Christmas period.
Welcome back to the start of a new term at Cypress.
Happy New Year 2024 and we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday!
To promote reading for pleasure, Whitehorse infant and junior schools have teamed up and created a ‘reading buddy’ session once a week.
Happy New Year to all of our children and families as we come back to a frosty start.