08 March 2024
We have such an inspiring, exciting week! On Monday, we were visited by Karl Nova, poet, rapper and storyteller.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
We have such an inspiring, exciting week! On Monday, we were visited by Karl Nova, poet, rapper and storyteller.
The have been vegetables everywhere in the Early Years this week.
This week, year 3 had a very special visit from the highly acclaimed poet Joshua Seigal!
Dear Pegasus families, During a wonderful week of books we would like to share with you some of our Recommended Reads!
To celebrate World Book Day, children were all invited to select a book from the World Book Day range at school.
All of the children had a very special visitor on Tuesday when the author Eva Wong Nava came to Beulah.
Ecclesbourne marked World Book Day 2024 with a celebration of all things poetry.
To celebrate book week and invite the children to enter the world of reading, the children and staff have decorated their classroom doors with the cover of one of their favourite books.
As part of our book week celebrations, we are delighted to take delivery of over £2000 worth of books this week.
Today, award-winning poet and rap artist, Karl Nova, visited EPS to work with our KS2 children.
Book week celebrations continued on Monday with a fantastic visit from children’s author, Grace Francis.
Yesterday, Mrs Schoeffer launched our book week with a very exciting assembly.
There has been lots going on at Atwood this week. The children in Reception have been learning all about healthy eating and the children in Nursery have continued there learning about bees and pollination.
This week at the Lower Site, we have been thinking about the Pegasus value ‘We Care’.
Rainy days We have had rather a soggy week in Little Cypress with lots of rain and grey skies.