04 October 2024
ATW Newsletter 4th October 2024
In Reception and Nursery, the children have been busy exploring the environment and learning some sounds as they begin their reading journey.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
In Reception and Nursery, the children have been busy exploring the environment and learning some sounds as they begin their reading journey.
On Tuesday, the sun was shining and Year 1 were all set for their walk to Trumble Gardens.
In Reception this week, we have been reading ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister.
Thank you to all of you who attended the Little Cypress Welcome Meeting this morning.
The Directors of the Pegasus Academy Trust are undertaking an official consulation, as required in the schools admission code, to amend the admissions criteria for Atwood Primary School.
It was lovely to see lots of the Reception parents attend the Mastering Number maths workshop this morning.
Year 6 students have been diving into a flurry of activities since returning to school.
Rain, rain, go away! We have had a fun-packed and rain-soaked week in Little Cypress!
Little Ecclesbourne children have been reading the story Owl Babies. We have been talking about where owls live and exploring the materials they use to make their nests.
At the Lower School, we have been continuing our work on growth mindset and learning about the power of ‘yet’.
Over the last two weeks in Gold class we have been reading the story ‘Owl Babies.’
Thank you to all the parents who made raffle donations, cake donations and monetary donations.
A big thank you to everyone who donated cakes and money to our Macmillan Coffee morning.
In Reception, the children have had so much fun, learning and sharing about themselves.
A huge thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our Year 2 curriculum meetings this week at Cypress Lower.