A few weeks ago we had a visit planned from the Purley firefighters and we were excited in anticipation of their arrival. Unfortunately, they were called to an emergency at the last minute and were unable to come to see us. We were all disappointed but understood why they could not come.
Luckily, the rescheduled visit went ahead this afternoon and it was brilliant! As we had great weather, we could use the hose to squirt water across the playground. We learned that smoke is the biggest threat when there is a fire. They told us that having a smoke detector saves lives and that they will come and fit one in your house if you do not have one or if yours is broken. We learned that the special uniform they wear helps protect them from getting burnt when dealing with fire. The children enjoyed going in the fire engine and looking at their tools and equipment.
What a fantastic afternoon we had in Reception! Thank you to the Purley firefighters for giving us an excellent overview of the important work you do.