09 March 2023
Beulah- Fun in the Snow!
Yesterday, we all woke up to a white suprise – everywhere was covered in snow!
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Yesterday, we all woke up to a white suprise – everywhere was covered in snow!
In reception, we are learning all about people who help us in our communities this half term.
Over half term, we asked you to encourage your children to have a go at creating a ‘Book in a Box.’
As part of last week’s reading celebrations each class chose and, with the help of their adults, created a book cover for each of their classroom doors – these were all too lovely not to share.
What an amazing week we have had in Reception and Little Cypress!
We have had a wonderful ‘World Book Week’ at Beulah. We started the week with a fabulous ‘World Book Day’ parade and on Tuesday we had the amazing author Grace Francis visit our school.
We have had a wonderful book week at Ecclesbourne, leading up to a fantastic World Book Day dress-up and character slam today.
What an amazing week Reception have had! Monday was World Book Day and we all dressed up as characters from our favourite story!
Yesterday, we launched our ‘Book Week’ celebrations in style at Beulah.
What a fun and delicious first week we have had back in Little Cypress!
Some parents from the Gold class have participated in ‘Bookstart’ workshops.
Over the past few weeks, reception have been preparing for our very exciting ‘Museum Day’!
This morning we welcomed Parents and Carers into Beulah Infants for our Museum Day.
What a busy and exciting week we have had in Little Cypress!
This week, we have been looking at how we can look after our mental health.