05 May 2023
A royal week in Atwood’s Reception
This week in Reception the children have enjoyed learning all about the upcoming coronation of our new king, King Charles.
Please click here for more details.
This week in Reception the children have enjoyed learning all about the upcoming coronation of our new king, King Charles.
Springtime has finally arrived at Beulah Infants Nursery School and we hope it is here to stay!
Learning to listen and listening to learn Another busy week has flown by in Little Cypress and the children in Rainbows and Nursery have been thinking carefully about using their listening and looking skills to become fantastic learners!
In Nursery, our topic is the current season of spring. We have been reading the book: When will it be spring?
What an exciting experience reception have had this week! We were visited by our local firefighters and were able to see a fire truck up close.
We were very excited to celebrate Eid together at Beulah last Thursday.
This week in Reception, we have started our new topic entitled ‘Once Upon A Time’.
This week in nursery we have been reading the book ‘We all go travelling by.’
How incredible to think that we are now in the Summer Term!
It hardly seems possible that we have now reached the last day of the Spring Term!
This week Reception have delighted in taking part in a range of creative activities while learning about Easter.
As part of our learning about people who help us in an emergency, we have been looking at police officers and the role they play in our society.
This week in reception we have had a special visitor from a dentist.
As part of out ‘To the Rescue!’ topic, we have been focussing on people who recue us when our health is in an emergency.
Today in Early Years we had lots of fun making spring crafts.