20 October 2023
CYP Lower: Half a term of fun in Little Cypress!
Settling in What an amazing first half-term we have had in Little Cypress!
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
Settling in What an amazing first half-term we have had in Little Cypress!
Settling in to life at Cypress Lower It barely seems possible that half a term has already flown by since the Reception children started in their classes!
The children have been amazing in their first half term in the Early Years at Atwood.
On Friday, we celebrated our Harvest Assembly with many of our parents.
Over the last few weeks in Gold class, we have been talking and learning about owls.
Here in Little Cypress we have had lots of fun over the past week!
In the Early Years we look at the world around us a lot and explore similarities, differences and change.
This week reception have been looking the book ‘Funnybones’ by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.
Autumn Vibes in Little Cypress It has started to feel a little more autumnal in Little Cypress this week!
In the Early Years, children have been enjoying the unexpected good weather and have spent a lot of time outside.
This week, reception have been looking at the classic story ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by the author Marcus Pfister.
All through the week we have been celebrating ‘all things poetry’ in preparation for National Poetry Day.
The children at Little Ecclesbourne are now fully immersed in their learning.
Everybody has been busy this September in the Early Years getting to know all of the new children and helping them feel safe and happy at school.
We would like to say a big welcome to the new pupils and their families in Gold class.