19 July 2024

CYP LOWER – This Day We Move Forward…. in Little Cypress

Summer Goodbyes and Superheroes

What a happy, fun and emotional week it has been here in Little Cypress! We have enjoyed both our end of year party and also our fabulous annual Superhero Fashion Shows on Wednesday. The confidence the children showed on the catwalk was simply awe-inspiring and all the staff were so incredibly proud of them.

It seems unbelievable that we have already reached the end of another school year and that Rainbows will be moving on to Nursery and Nursery on to Reception. We will continue to watch their progress as they move through the school and we wish anyone who is leaving Cypress all the very best for the future and hope they stay in touch!

Goodbyes are already difficult, but in the words of our song from the show on Wednesday: ‘Change and Grow’, ‘…this day we move forward.’ We move on to chapters new but we don’t ever forget all these beautiful faces and personalities and thank you all for being such important parts of our journey together.

Wishing you all the most wonderful Summer break and thank you for your support throughout the year.

Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team

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Published on 19th July, 2024

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