18 October 2024

CYP LOWER – Painting the Town Red in Little Cypress

Autumn 1 – Done!

It doesn’t seem possible that we have completed our first half term with our Rainbow and Nursery children! What absolute superstars they all are and they are becoming increasingly independent and resilient learners as the weeks fly by. The children are doing brilliantly coming in to Little Cypress on their own in the mornings and learning to hang up their coats and bags. Well done to everyone and to all the parents and carers who are encouraging this independence; it really pays off in the long run!

Makaton Sign of the Week

Our sign for this week is a very useful one – it is food! Click here to see how to sign the word for food in Makaton.

Our Learning this Week 

Our learning has gone in so many different directions this week and our interests have been diverse and numerous, ranging from polar bears to fairies, conkers to pumpkins, to name just a very few. We have made some amazing patterns in pumpkins and squashes using pins and elastic bands and developed our fine motor skills by stretching the bands in different directions.

We have been learning all about the Hindu festival of Diwali; one of the most important and colourful events in the Hindu calendar. Click here to find out more about this wonderful festival. We have made diyas – little clay pots to hold candles that lit the way home from the forest for Rama and Sita in the Diwali story. We loved forming the clay in to the right shape and then when dry, painting and adding glitter to them!

As part of Black History Month, we have thinking about our similarities as well as our differences, as well as celebrating our diverse and rich cultures. We have listened to the wonderful book: ‘Change Sings’ by Amanda Gorman. We made part of our school banner with our photos on it and we are looking forward to seeing the whole banner in our Lower School hall after half term.

Today we wore red to mark ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ day and raised money via donations for this valuable charity.

We all hope you have a wonderful half-term break and look forward to seeing you all when we return.

Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team

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Published on 18th October, 2024

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