17 May 2024

CYP LOWER: Oliver’s Vegetables and Wonderful Writing in Little Cypress!

Oliver’s Vegetables

We have been remembering all the vegetables mentioned in the story: ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ and we have really enjoyed printing repeating patterns with them. We used spinach, mange tout, beetroot, rhubarb, carrots, potatoes and cabbage: all the vegetables that Oliver didn’t think he liked, but once he tasted them, he actually really enjoyed them!

Wonderful Writing

We have been practising our writing around Little Cypress with great enthusiasm this week. We have been signing our names to work out which order we go on the bikes, writing on the clipboards outside, practising writing our names on our pictures and paintings and generally becoming more confident writers!

Makaton Sign of the Week

As usual, we have learned a new Makaton sign this week. This week’s word is: ‘to talk/to speak’. Click here to see how to sign ‘to talk/to speak’.

The children have been enjoying our wonderful outside space inbetween the rain showers and have been getting used to the warmer weather and not always having to have a coat on when we play outside!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team



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Published on 17th May, 2024

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