How wonderful that our Nursery children were able to get out in to the community today to bring joy to some elderly residents at a local care home! Thanks to a small army of volunteers, Nursery made their second trip out in a week (last week we went to St John’s Church in Auckland Road) to the Acacia Care Home in Chalfont Road, South Norwood. Little legs walked a long way with minimal complaints to sing our Christmas songs to the residents. Luckily, we had had plenty of practice , because we had our two performances on Friday for our parents and carers, alongside the Rainbows children.
All the adults who accompanied the children today were incredibly impressed with their beautiful behaviour and amazing singing voices.
A huge ‘well done’ to our Nursery children in Gold and Silver Classes. We are so proud of you. The festive season has truly begun!
Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team